A protocol deviation occurs when there is a minor or administrative departure from the IRB-approved protocol procedures, made without prior IRB approval. Follow these steps to submit a protocol deviation to Cornell IRB.
- At the top of the screen, use the IRB menu to switch to different screens, including Search IRB Protocols.
- Scroll down the page to the Search Results. You should see a list of protocols in which you are listed as part of the research team.
- Locate the protocol you need to submit a protocol deviation for and click on the edit button, protocol ID or title to open it.
- Once your protocol opens, locate the Protocol Deviations section from the table of contents. Choose Add Deviation to start the process.
- Complete the protocol deviation form by describing the departure that occurred during the human participant research and categorizing the type of deviation. Click Submit and a notification will be sent to Cornell IRB.
- If additional information is needed, you will receive an email from irbhp@cornell.edu requesting changes to the protocol deviation.