Amend to Request an Extension on a Prescreening / Program Development Protocol

If you need more time to develop your research protocol and study materials, you will need to submit an amendment to request an extension of your current approval period.

Find the IRB Protocol

  • At the top of the screen, use the IRB menu to switch to different screens, including Search IRB Protocols.

  • Scroll down the page to the Search Results. You should see a list of protocols in which you are listed as part of the research team.
  • You can find information such as the status of your protocol, review type, and expiration date directly in the search results.
  • Locate the IRB protocol that needs to be amended. To open it click on the edit button, protocol ID, or title.
  • Once your protocol opens, you will see 3 large blue boxes at the top of the protocol. Locate “New Amendment or Continuing Review” and click the Request button to start the amendment process. Note: If you don’t see these 3 blue boxes, it means you are listed as a research team member on the protocol but do not have permission to edit the protocol. If you need access to edit the protocol, please have your PI send an email to requesting your permissions be updated for that protocol.

Amendment Form

  • Select the type of Amendment. The choices are Amendment, Continuing Review, or Amendment. Select Amendment.
  • Select Other Changes as type of modifications that you are requesting for your protocol.
  • In the Please Specify section, note that you need to extend the approval period for this protocol.
  • Provide a brief description of your current circumstances (e.g., you just received funding and need more time to develop your study materials) and how long you need to develop your protocol. Note that the IRB office can give you another approval period of up to one year for a Prescreening Protocol.
  • Click Save and RASS will unlock your protocol for editing.

Submit for Review

  • At the bottom, click on Review and Submit. RASS will ask you to attest by clicking Continue.
    • If your protocol was approved prior to January 2022, some information was imported from Cornell’s old PDF based records. Some fields could not be automatically be filled in. You will need to complete all mandatory fields the first time you amend the protocol in RASS. You can copy most information from your existing protocol, but a few questions collect additional information. Click the Check Validations button to see which mandatory fields need to be completed. If you have questions, contact

  • You will be prompted to compare the current version with the previous version of your IRB Protocol. The newest version are in the left column, the previous version is in the right. Confirm and Submit the amendment to the IRB.
  • Your Amendment has been submitted and the protocol will once again be locked for further editing while under review. You will be notified by email if changes are needed following a review.